List of registered Online participants
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Бегом Ж - Бегом Женщины |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Chip | Status |
1 | | Добышева Людмила | ФТИ УрО РАН | none | 1961 | 1409695 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Лусникова Елизавета | Izhevsk, personal | none | 2003 | 1602504 | Pay on the spot |
3 | | Смирнова Марина | Шатуны | none | 1980 | SIAC rent | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Филимонова Екатерина | Izhevsk, personal | none | 1987 | Сontact chip rent | Paid |
5 | | Фролова Ольга | Ветер | none | 1971 | 8656091 | Pay on the spot |
6 | | Чашкина Екатерина | Izhevsk, personal | Iю | 2011 | Сontact chip rent | Pay on the spot |
Бегом М - Бегом Мужчины |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Chip | Status |
1 | | Белоногов Андрей | Ветер | none | 1964 | 8655971 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Васильев Николай | Чур и компания | КМС | 1963 | 1393646 | Pay on the spot |
3 | | Воронцов Илья | Шатуны | none | 1989 | SIAC rent | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Крысов Руслан | Мультики | none | 1991 | 8067956 | Pay on the spot |
5 | | Култашев Андрей | Izhevsk, personal | none | 1995 | 8044482 | Pay on the spot |
6 | | Лусников Роман | Izhevsk, personal | none | 1977 | 8655816 | Pay on the spot |
Ж21 - Женщины вело |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Chip | Status |
1 | | Александрова Анастасия | Izhevsk, personal | none | 1989 | SIAC rent | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Вешева Екатерина | Скорость ветра | III | 1993 | SIAC rent | Pay on the spot |
3 | | Купина Зульфия | Chajkovskij, personal | none | 1986 | Сontact chip rent | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Кучерова Юлия | Izhevsk, personal | none | 1988 | 7010888 | Pay on the spot |
5 | | Лисицына Екатерина | Izhevsk, personal | none | 1976 | 1602502 | Pay on the spot |
6 | | Сергеева Наталья | Жуки | III | 1981 | Сontact chip rent | Pay on the spot |
7 | | Чайникова Людмила | Izhevsk, personal | none | 1973 | 8510763 | Pay on the spot |
8 | | Чашкина Наталья | Izhevsk, personal | none | 1983 | 2154113 | Pay on the spot |
9 | | Шарипова Виктория | Izhevsk, personal | none | 1976 | 7210826 | Rejected |
М21 - Мужчины/вело |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Chip | Status |
1 | | Вахрушев Николай | Izhevsk, personal | none | 1990 | Сontact chip rent | Paid |
2 | | Воеводин Алексей | Атлант | none | 1982 | Сontact chip rent | Payment waiting |
3 | | Гаранин Илья | Мультики Adventure | none | 1984 | 065432 | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Двоеглазов Иван | Самокаты | none | 1986 | SIAC rent | Pay on the spot |
5 | | Дресвянников Алексей | Izhevsk, personal | none | 1984 | Сontact chip rent | Pay on the spot |
6 | | Елабужев Fedor | Izhevsk, personal | none | 1987 | 7870328 | Pay on the spot |
7 | | Жданов Антон | Chajkovskij, personal | none | 1993 | SIAC rent | Paid |
8 | | Мальцев Алексей | Chajkovskij, personal | none | 1986 | 8112020 | Paid |
9 | | Обухов Егор | Izhevsk, personal | none | 1987 | 1422934 | Paid |
10 | | Сидоров Михаил | Старлайт | none | 1989 | 8510641 | Paid |
11 | | Яшин Дмитрий | Izhevsk, personal | none | 1986 | Сontact chip rent | Pay on the spot |
М50 - Мужчины вело |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Chip | Status |
1 | | Ашихмин Константин | Izhevsk, personal | none | 1971 | 7212233 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Новокшонов Алексей | Stars Start | none | 1971 | 8655967 | Pay on the spot |
3 | | Хмеленко Роман | ЮНИТЭК | none | 1970 | 8136818 | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Чиков Виталий | Кони 70-х | none | 1955 | 1393644 | Pay on the spot |
5 | | Шайхутдинов Марат | Ижпланета | none | 1971 | 8654618 | Pay on the spot |