ДЕВУШКИ - 1 км (1 круг) |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Chip | Status |
1 | | Lazuro Anastasia | Krym goroda, personal | II | 2009 | | Paid |
2 | | Nugis Anna | Krym goroda, personal | none | 2010 | | Paid |
3 | | Александрова Дарья | Krym goroda | IIIю | 2003 | | Paid |
4 | | Анастасова Даниэлла | Юнармия | none | 2005 | | Paid |
5 | | Бесфамильна Анастасия | Krym goroda, personal | none | 2011 | | Paid |
6 | | Бобырева Ксения | МБОУ "ЯСШЛ №9" | none | 2004 | | Paid |
7 | | Быкова Любовь | Юнармия | none | 2008 | | Paid |
8 | | Велиева Сугра | Ялта | Iю | 2005 | | Paid |
9 | | Вох Владислава | Юнармия | none | 2012 | | Paid |
10 | | Епик Полина | Krym goroda, personal | none | 2004 | | Pay on the spot |
11 | | Осипенко Милена | Юнармия | none | 2007 | | Paid |
12 | | Петушкова Софья | Krym goroda, personal | none | 2010 | | Paid |
13 | | Подвальная Екатерина | Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 2010 | | Payment waiting |
14 | | Стяжкина Александра | Krym goroda, personal | none | 2010 | | Paid |
15 | | Суровцова Анастасия | КСПУОР | none | 2006 | | Paid |
16 | | Тимофеева Анастасия | Юнармия | none | 2006 | | Paid |
17 | | Хорищенко Мария | Krym goroda, personal | III | 2007 | | Paid |
18 | | Ярных Ирина | МБОУ "ЯСШЛ №9" | none | 2004 | | Paid |
ЖЕНЩИНЫ - 11 км (1 круг) |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Chip | Status |
1 | | Shpetnaia Anna | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1990 | | Paid |
2 | | Ахаева Мария | Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1992 | | Payment waiting |
3 | | Батуренко Алена | Л/а клуб Илоны Захаровой | none | 1989 | | Paid |
4 | | Вершинина Мария | Маша-Паша | none | 1989 | | Payment waiting |
5 | | Голованева Галина | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1976 | | Pay on the spot |
6 | | Гордеева Анастасия | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1990 | | Pay on the spot |
7 | | Гузенок Майя Майя | Л/а клуб Илоны Захаровой | none | 1985 | | Paid |
8 | | Дмитренко Инна | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
9 | | Иванова Алла | Sevastopol, personal | none | 1992 | | Pay on the spot |
10 | | Калинина Дарья | Simferopol, personal | none | 1990 | | Pay on the spot |
11 | | Литвиненко Светлана | Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1987 | | Pay on the spot |
12 | | Лосева Людмила | district Juzao, personal | none | 1955 | | Pay on the spot |
13 | | Мартынович Анастасия | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1990 | | Pay on the spot |
14 | | Матвейчук Татьяна | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
15 | | Науменко Ирина | Л/а клуб Илоны Захаровой | none | 1981 | | Paid |
16 | | Пенкина Ольга | Sevastopol, personal | none | 1968 | | Payment waiting |
17 | | Полякова Татьяна | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1976 | | Pay on the spot |
18 | | Пономаренко Наталья | Л/а клуб Илоны Захаровой | none | 1986 | | Pay on the spot |
19 | | Садовая София | Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 2001 | | Pay on the spot |
20 | | Стецюк Елена | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1985 | | Pay on the spot |
21 | | Суворова Исаия | Krym goroda, personal | none | 2001 | | Pay on the spot |
22 | | Сулейманова Арзы | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1990 | | Pay on the spot |
23 | | Федоровская Ольга | КЛБ Панацея | none | 1957 | | Pay on the spot |
24 | | Фурманец Александра | Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1988 | | Payment waiting |
25 | | Чистякова Юлия | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1995 | | Pay on the spot |
26 | | Шпирко Ирина | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1980 | | Pay on the spot |
ЖЕНЩИНЫ 22КМ - 22 км |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Chip | Status |
1 | | Вассерман Мария | Skyline | none | 1998 | | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Ганзя Анна | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1980 | | Pay on the spot |
3 | | Зыкова Нина | Crimea CC | none | 1985 | | Payment waiting |
4 | | Крутова Дарья | Republic Krym, personal | none | 1979 | | Pay on the spot |
5 | | Парфенова Марина | СПЗ | none | 1988 | | Pay on the spot |
6 | | Полищук Анна | Simferopol, personal | none | 1975 | | Payment waiting |
7 | | Ступель Анастасия | Simferopol, personal | none | 1984 | | Pay on the spot |
МУЖЧИНЫ - 11 км (1 круг) |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Chip | Status |
1 | | Nikolaev Ivan | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1980 | | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Roganov Pavel | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1990 | | Pay on the spot |
3 | | Ахаев Эмиль | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1992 | | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Безумнов Артем | Simferopol, personal | none | 1979 | | Pay on the spot |
5 | | Билозор Сергей | Republic Krym, personal | none | 1984 | | Pay on the spot |
6 | | Буркальцев Игорь | Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1962 | | Pay on the spot |
7 | | Василевский Илья | Republic Krym, personal | none | 1986 | | Pay on the spot |
8 | | Володин Юрий | Simferopol, personal | none | 1976 | | Pay on the spot |
9 | | Гимкаев Тимур | Ufa, personal | none | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
10 | | Годок Владимир | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1959 | | Pay on the spot |
11 | | Губский Александр | Republic Krym, personal | none | 1984 | | Pay on the spot |
12 | | Гузенок Юрий | Л/а клуб Илоны Захаровой | none | 1982 | | Pay on the spot |
13 | | Демченко Алексей | Simferopol, personal | IIIю | 1973 | | Pay on the spot |
14 | | Дунаев Ринат | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1982 | | Pay on the spot |
15 | | Захаров Дмитрий | Simferopol, personal | КМС | 1998 | | Pay on the spot |
16 | | Ивановец Дмитрий | Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1987 | | Pay on the spot |
17 | | Кириченко Руслан | Republic Krym, personal | none | 1975 | | Payment waiting |
18 | | Ключников Роман | Krasnojarsk, personal | I | 1982 | | Pay on the spot |
19 | | Кузьмин Александр | Sevastopol gorod, personal | МС | 1962 | | Pay on the spot |
20 | | Ляшик Андрей | Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1987 | | Pay on the spot |
21 | | Медведев Пётр | Volgograd, personal | none | 1987 | | Payment waiting |
22 | | Нырко Артём | Republic Krym, personal | none | 1985 | | Pay on the spot |
23 | | Остапчук Владимир | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1963 | | Pay on the spot |
24 | | Пискун Александр | Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1988 | | Pay on the spot |
25 | | Подвальный Федор | Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1982 | | Payment waiting |
26 | | Попадьин Антон | Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1997 | | Pay on the spot |
27 | | Роднов Андрей | Simferopol, personal | IIIю | 1965 | | Pay on the spot |
28 | | Роднов Евгений | Simferopol, personal | I | 1966 | | Pay on the spot |
29 | | Розум Владислав | Krym goroda, personal | none | 2000 | | Pay on the spot |
30 | | Сидоренко Юрий | Kazan, personal | none | 1992 | | Pay on the spot |
31 | | Фесенко Максим | Krym goroda, personal | I | 1989 | | Pay on the spot |
32 | | Халимендик Николай | Amursk, personal | none | 1990 | | Pay on the spot |
33 | | Хамитов Денис | Russia, personal | none | 1993 | | Pay on the spot |
34 | | Шмигель Виталий | Simferopol, personal | none | 1971 | | Payment waiting |
35 | | Ямников Валерий | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1954 | | Pay on the spot |
МУЖЧИНЫ 22 КМ - 22 км |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Chip | Status |
1 | | Абоимов Сергей | Simferopol, personal | none | 1986 | | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Абсалямов Олег | Simferopol, personal | none | 1971 | | Pay on the spot |
3 | | Баев Максим | Simferopol, personal | none | 1980 | | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Белоусов Олег | Simferopol, personal | none | 1969 | | Pay on the spot |
5 | | Береславский Владимир | Simferopol, personal | none | 1986 | | Pay on the spot |
6 | | Бесфамильный Александр | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1979 | | Pay on the spot |
7 | | Болдырев Леонид | Simferopol, personal | none | 1982 | | Pay on the spot |
8 | | Бреславцев Олег | Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1988 | | Pay on the spot |
9 | | Бригинец Алексей | Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1989 | | Pay on the spot |
10 | | Бурдакин Сергей | Voronezh, personal | МСМК | 1989 | | Pay on the spot |
11 | | Волков Дмитрий | Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1984 | | Pay on the spot |
12 | | Гераскин Ратибор | Boksitogorskij rajon, personal | none | 1990 | | Pay on the spot |
13 | | Громов Леонид | Boksitogorskij rajon, personal | none | 1990 | | Pay on the spot |
14 | | Деев Михаил | district Juzao, personal | none | 1967 | | Pay on the spot |
15 | | Дымнич Роман | Republic Krym, personal | none | 1986 | | Pay on the spot |
16 | | Епик Сергей | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
17 | | Канцеров Павел | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1992 | | Pay on the spot |
18 | | Капранов Андрей | Republic Krym, personal | IIIю | 1977 | | Pay on the spot |
19 | | Карпенко Роман | Simferopol, personal | IIIю | 1996 | | Pay on the spot |
20 | | Кислицын Денис | Налегке | none | 1996 | | Payment waiting |
21 | | Королёв Илья | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1979 | | Pay on the spot |
22 | | Кравчук Владимир | Налегке | none | 1985 | | Pay on the spot |
23 | | Кривоносов Иван | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1982 | | Payment waiting |
24 | | Лебедев Сергей | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1979 | | Pay on the spot |
25 | | Мазаев Андрей | Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1989 | | Pay on the spot |
26 | | Минаев Юрий | Crimea CC | none | 1971 | | Payment waiting |
27 | | Миненко Михаил | Налегке | none | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
28 | | Михащук Александр | Simferopol, personal | none | 1985 | | Pay on the spot |
29 | | Молтабаров Максим | Trinidad and Tobago, personal | МСМК | 1978 | | Pay on the spot |
30 | | Муковнин Кирилл | Ryazan, personal | none | 1985 | | Pay on the spot |
31 | | Мустафаев Рустем | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1982 | | Pay on the spot |
32 | | Парамонов Сергей | Republic Krym, personal | none | 1985 | | Pay on the spot |
33 | | Пархоменко Александр | Krasnodar, personal | none | 1990 | | Paid |
34 | | Попов Валентин | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1987 | | Pay on the spot |
35 | | Приймак Андрей | Simferopol, personal | none | 1987 | | Pay on the spot |
36 | | Причалов Евгений | Odintsovskij rajon, personal | II | 1990 | | Pay on the spot |
37 | | Пухтинов Алексей | Sevastopol gorod, personal | КМС | 1986 | | Pay on the spot |
38 | | Романов Павел | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
39 | | Соколов Дмитрий | Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1981 | | Pay on the spot |
40 | | Стадник Андрей | КЛБ "Сибиряк" | III | 1973 | | Pay on the spot |
41 | | Стецюк Владимир | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1985 | | Pay on the spot |
42 | | Терновой Иван | Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
43 | | Тимофеев Кирилл | Ялта | none | 1984 | | Pay on the spot |
44 | | Титов Василий | Krym goroda, personal | none | 1985 | | Pay on the spot |
45 | | Ткачев Игорь | Skyline | none | 1993 | | Pay on the spot |
46 | | Трактин Владимир | Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
47 | | Уткин Евгений | Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1988 | | Pay on the spot |
48 | | Чулый Роман | Simferopol, personal | none | 1992 | | Pay on the spot |
49 | | Юрьев Максим | Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1977 | | Pay on the spot |
ЮНОШИ - 1 км (1 круг) |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Chip | Status |
1 | | Nugis Aleksandr | Krym goroda, personal | none | 2013 | | Paid |
2 | | Абсалямов Роман | Simferopol, personal | IIIю | 2010 | | Paid |
3 | | Артемьев Иван | Krym goroda | II | 2002 | | Paid |
4 | | Баев Иван | Simferopol, personal | none | 2003 | | Paid |
5 | | Бондаренко Давид | Юнармия | none | 2005 | | Paid |
6 | | Гимкаев Карим | Ufa, personal | none | 2016 | | Paid |
7 | | Гимкаев Марат | Ufa, personal | none | 2012 | | Paid |
8 | | Гораецкий Илья | Юнармия | none | 2005 | | Paid |
9 | | Епик Иван | Krym goroda, personal | none | 2008 | | Pay on the spot |
10 | | Захарченко Мирон | Krym goroda, personal | II | 2009 | | Paid |
11 | | Захарченко Никита | Krym goroda, personal | I | 2012 | | Paid |
12 | | Конюхов Александр | Krym goroda, personal | IIIю | 2008 | | Paid |
13 | | Крапивин Кирилл | Krym goroda, personal | none | 2010 | | Paid |
14 | | Лебедев Дмитрий | Krym goroda, personal | none | 2004 | | Pay on the spot |
15 | | Литвиненко Никита | Krym goroda, personal | none | 2010 | | Paid |
16 | | Малашкин Егор | МБОУ "ЯСШЛ №9" | none | 2004 | | Paid |
17 | | Марущенко Андрей | МБОУ "ЯСШЛ №9" | none | 2003 | | Paid |
18 | | Музылев Никита | МБОУ "ЯСШЛ №9" | none | 2004 | | Paid |
19 | | Мустафаев Эмиль | Krym goroda, personal | none | 2007 | | Pay on the spot |
20 | | Осипов Илья | МБОУ "ЯСШЛ №9" | none | 2004 | | Paid |
21 | | Подвальный Егор | Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 2008 | | Payment waiting |
22 | | Причалов Арсений | Odintsovskij rajon, personal | none | 2013 | | Paid |
23 | | Радченко Данила | Simferopol, personal | Iю | 2005 | | Paid |
24 | | Рудь Антон | Юнармия | none | 2005 | | Paid |
25 | | Савченко Никита | Джанкой | none | 2005 | | Paid |
26 | | Стецюк Никита | Krym goroda, personal | none | 2007 | | Pay on the spot |
27 | | Стяжкин Валентин | Krym goroda, personal | none | 2015 | | Paid |
28 | | Субботин Дмитрий | КСПУОР | IIIю | 2005 | | Paid |
29 | | Сухов Александр | Ялта | none | 2012 | | Paid |
30 | | Теряев Владислав | МБОУ "ЯСШЛ №9" | none | 2004 | | Paid |
31 | | Хорищенко Матвей | Krym goroda, personal | none | 2010 | | Paid |
32 | | Цяцька Константин | Krym goroda, personal | IIIю | 2009 | | Paid |
33 | | Шпирко Андрей | Krym goroda, personal | none | 2002 | | Paid |
34 | | Щербань Павел | Krym goroda, personal | none | 2009 | | Paid |
35 | | Юрьев Никита | Simferopol, personal | Iю | 2004 | | Paid |