Orgeo – Online entry and results system

Брестская Ориент-Лига 2023 I тур

1-ый тур областных массовых соревнований по спортивному ориентированию «ORIENT-LIGA 2022»
Orienteering Interregional
Registration finished 01.03.2023 21:00 MSK


Максим Форись
+375295213240 Безик И.К.

Event subs (program)

Participating groups

Age is determined: turns in the year of event
  • Ж12 - Female 7-12 years
  • Ж14 - Female 13-14 years
  • Ж16 - Female 15-16 years
  • Ж18 - Female 17-18 years
  • Ж21 - Female 16-100 years
  • Ж30 - Female 30-100 years
  • Ж40 - Female 40-100 years
  • Ж50 - Female 50-100 years
  • М12 - Male 7-12 years
  • М14 - Male 13-14 years
  • М16 - Male 15-16 years
  • М18 - Male 17-18 years
  • М21 - Male 16-100 years
  • М30 - Male 30-100 years
  • М40 - Male 40-100 years
  • М50 - Male 50-100 years